
Half Moon Bay Golf Links

Like everyone else in the wedding industry, I haven't had any time to blog, just working hard to finish up the wedding season and ending with a BANG! I've just had some time to get pictures from the photographers of recent weddings. Here is the first batch, KI Photography, who was so generous to send us ALL the pictures without hesitation.

Even though there were just a handful of pictures, (which I much rather look through than the hundreds of pictures that other photographers take) they were all individually purposeful and succinct. I’ve really enjoyed each and every one of them, and hope you do too. These are just a few of them here...a beautiful bride and the most easy-going groom, their wedding at Half Moon Bay Golf Links:

LOVE the negative space in this picture (above)

LOVE this picture (above) in black and white - looks like they are walking in snow

This is one of the better "bridesmaids-and-groomsmens-in-the-background" shot...most other ones I've seen are so cheese

LOVE the mild play of coloration of this shot and of course the angle of the shot too!