
Re-launching www.anniesiu.com!

Finally it's here! The re-launch of our website - http://www.anniesiu.com/ - with many new features, including a new gallery of our best of the best, the press page, and of course our blog! Unlike all other blogs, our blog will not only be about recent weddings/events, but the real life of being a mom, a wife, AND a business owner. So ENJOY!

This was the best birthday present ever! Thanks so much to http://www.cambridgeomnimedia.com/, whose work I've always admired since 5 years ago when I created my first website. I wanted to keep him a secret, but his work is just phenomenal that I had to give him his well deserved credit!
On a side note, g
ood luck to your wife with the birth of your first baby girl, due tomorrow!



I always thought I had a good balance - I have a baby, who I take care of and I have my own business, which is still running strong (actually, even stronger after having the baby). So I have both, unlike other moms who are either full-time mothers and longs to work, or moms who go to work and longs to be taking care of the baby.

But today at my annual visit to my obgyn, she is the ONLY person who, after this whole time of having the baby, I was able to completely confide in. She made me realize that although I have that balance with work and baby, I don't have that time for me. I thought I did - because I do still go out occasionaly without the baby - but at the same time, when I am out, I subconsciously feel guilty for it. I need some truly alone time, where it's all about me, and not running errands, but maybe sitting at a coffee shop, reading a book, riding a bike - those are just some of the ideas we came up with during our meeting.

On a side note, how many doctors do you know, whole-heartedly listens to you? She's the only one - my midwife, my friend and I love her!


Monday night grocery shopping

Did you know you can get cheaper groceries on a Monday night? I don't know if that's really the case but we happened to go grocery shopping this past Monday night and EVERYTHING was on sale! It felt like everything was half off! It was a great night to stock up the pantry! =P



Did you know that you can purchase stamps called "Forever Stamps"? I was just over at the post office today and was asked if I needed some extra stamps. I thought outloud that I would get them again after the price increase, which is in about another month or so, but then the postman said I could purchase FOREVER STAMPS - which I had no idea what it was until I was told they are stamps that you can purchase at the price now (41cents) and if and when the price of stamps go up to say even $5 in the future, you would still be only been paying 41 cents! What a phenomenon! I was so excited about this that I had to buy 100 of them, which I don't think it's even enough, but I had to get back and write it on my Blog. I think it's the best thing - like stocks - but this one, the price won't ever go down! =P


Millbrae Library

I think out of all the activities I've done with baby - walks, museums, parks, child observation classes, shopping, running errands, etc., going to the library has been and still is the most enjoyable.

Today we wanted to go to the Millbrae Library to check out their storytime because I just found out they have it in English AND Cantonese! But of course with my luck, the lady that does it is in China, and will resume class on 4-24. But I did get a glimpse of the newly renovated library on my way out. I haven't been there since high school, (which is more than 10 yrs ago!) and my breath was taken away! The best description I could give it is it looked like a college library! There were those rooms along the side for studying, with the glass windows and doors, and the entrance was so grand with a rotunda and automatic sliding doors! It's smaller than the Burlingame library, but the feel was so spacious and so much more contemporary.

I really was just blown away. But as I was on my way back to the car, I was thinking that I was hoping to see some glimpse of the old library, to reminisce the past, but no part of it had remained the same.


Bum it out Mondays

I don't have any kind of routine in my life. That's the beauty of it because I could never stand doing the same routine everyday of the week. It may also be why I could never do a 9-5 job. =P

We've unnoticeably been doing this for a while now, so that's why today, I've declared Mondays to be our "Bum it out" day. It's where the baby and I don't go out at all, we just "bum it out" at home. Every day of the week, including weekends, I am either working, or he is running errands with me, so we're always on the go. Mondays have been the only days that's been a bit slower, no baby activities either, so we really enjoy lazy-ing ourselves at home - not having to change, not having to pack our bags, not having to drive, no walks, not having to pull out the stroller...it's our day of bumming it out.

But now that it may become a routine, let's see how long that lasts! =P


We got our new car!

Finally! We were so tired of our white Pilot that we decided to cancel the lease early and get our new car! This time no more leasing, but financing a top-of-the-line Odessey Touring with automatic trunk, sidedoors, 8-passenger, dvd, navigator AND mp3 player, and not only one disc, but SIX! PLUS, THE BEST PART...it's in my Baltic Blue color!

Of course I'm the type that could wait until the lease is up to change cars, but now I understand why people say when you see the other person happy, you are happy too. I've never seen BA wanting something so bad, especially a mini-van! I've never stepped back far enough to see that if I let go a little sometimes, it would make the other person so happy. But I know that deep down he only wanted the new car for me.