
Millbrae Library

I think out of all the activities I've done with baby - walks, museums, parks, child observation classes, shopping, running errands, etc., going to the library has been and still is the most enjoyable.

Today we wanted to go to the Millbrae Library to check out their storytime because I just found out they have it in English AND Cantonese! But of course with my luck, the lady that does it is in China, and will resume class on 4-24. But I did get a glimpse of the newly renovated library on my way out. I haven't been there since high school, (which is more than 10 yrs ago!) and my breath was taken away! The best description I could give it is it looked like a college library! There were those rooms along the side for studying, with the glass windows and doors, and the entrance was so grand with a rotunda and automatic sliding doors! It's smaller than the Burlingame library, but the feel was so spacious and so much more contemporary.

I really was just blown away. But as I was on my way back to the car, I was thinking that I was hoping to see some glimpse of the old library, to reminisce the past, but no part of it had remained the same.

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