
He naps more than ever now (every mom's dream)!

Somehow we got into this routine and it’s great! He would wake up at around 8, eat, play for an hour, then nap for an hour or two. Then at 11:30ish, he'd wake up, eat, play for an hour, then nap for another hour or two...and repeat... But this only works flawlessly if we are at home/work by ourselves, without any interruption. If I take him out running errands with me, it's harder to get him to fall asleep. I do feel bad for robbing him of his naps, but I swore I would never be one of those moms who purposely stays at home or has to go home by a certain time so that he can nap.

We’re staying at home today and I’m working during his naps. Of course this is not going to work today because I’ve said this. (Every mom knows once we proclaim it, it'll jinx itself...but I'm crossing my fingers!)

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