
Walking and Wah-ing

I finally know what they were all trying to say to me...

"you just wait...when they start walking, they'd be walking everywhere and you'd wish they hadn't"

It's evident that the baby doesn't like to be in the stroller anymore, that's why we bought the Radio Flyer wagon last weekend to change things up. But you can't use the wagon everywhere, especially around tight spaces like the supermarket, so we have to resort back to the stroller.

There's no more of the leisure strolling around, running errands in a stroller. Now he wahs and he wahs until you get him out of the wretched stroller and you know it's because he'd rather walk. You let him walk around because you'd rather he not wah, but he's walking everywhere, and of course always in the opposite direction. Is this what they were saying about walking?!

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