

I always thought I had a good balance - I have a baby, who I take care of and I have my own business, which is still running strong (actually, even stronger after having the baby). So I have both, unlike other moms who are either full-time mothers and longs to work, or moms who go to work and longs to be taking care of the baby.

But today at my annual visit to my obgyn, she is the ONLY person who, after this whole time of having the baby, I was able to completely confide in. She made me realize that although I have that balance with work and baby, I don't have that time for me. I thought I did - because I do still go out occasionaly without the baby - but at the same time, when I am out, I subconsciously feel guilty for it. I need some truly alone time, where it's all about me, and not running errands, but maybe sitting at a coffee shop, reading a book, riding a bike - those are just some of the ideas we came up with during our meeting.

On a side note, how many doctors do you know, whole-heartedly listens to you? She's the only one - my midwife, my friend and I love her!

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