
We got our new car!

Finally! We were so tired of our white Pilot that we decided to cancel the lease early and get our new car! This time no more leasing, but financing a top-of-the-line Odessey Touring with automatic trunk, sidedoors, 8-passenger, dvd, navigator AND mp3 player, and not only one disc, but SIX! PLUS, THE BEST PART...it's in my Baltic Blue color!

Of course I'm the type that could wait until the lease is up to change cars, but now I understand why people say when you see the other person happy, you are happy too. I've never seen BA wanting something so bad, especially a mini-van! I've never stepped back far enough to see that if I let go a little sometimes, it would make the other person so happy. But I know that deep down he only wanted the new car for me.

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